Understanding Multiple Carrier Aggregated Shipping

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About the guide

In this ebook, we explain the multifaceted benefits of using a multiple carrier aggregated shipping service like Transdirect. From cutting shipping costs to working with some of the best couriers in the business, there are several benefits of working with a service like Transdirect to ship your goods to where they need to be.

Online and physical stores can reap the rewards of working with an innovative logistics service, and our starter guide explains the full benefits, along with some handy information for those new to Transdirect.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

In the ebook you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of our multiple carrier aggregated platform
  • How we help our customers overcome any challenge
  • Flexible payment options available for Transdirect customers
  • How to integrate Transdirect technology with your ecommerce platform
  • Which couriers are the best in the biz – and what they specialise in
  • The 9 different freight services our service offer
  • And more…



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