Blog - Transdirect

Top five e-commerce apps for fashion retailers


We’ve all heard of eBay, Amazon and Google Shopping, but there’s a wide world of niche online marketplaces and fashion apps out there that love working with independent fashion labels, vintage boutiques and pre-owned designer fashion resellers.

If you’re looking for the best place to sell clothes online, check out these five clothing apps for fashion retailers!
#1. ASOS Marketplace

This is an excellent online marketplace for independent fashion brands and vintage fashion boutiques and can connect you with fashion-loving buyers across the globe.


Advertising for ecommerce brands: To pay or not to pay?

Sad man looking at his wallet

There’s no denying the power of organic content marketing for building a loyal following online. More ecommerce brands are shrugging off paid advertising channels in favour of creating shareable online content that aims to build genuine engagement with their customer communities.

However, paid advertising channels still have plenty of value to offer — if you know how to use them. Here are the pros and cons of three common paid advertising channels – consider these before investing in your new marketing strategy!


How to offer free shipping without breaking the bank

As consumers, we’re always looking to save an extra buck.
Whether it’s 10% off a pair of $200 Timberland boots or $5 off your first meal package from Hello Fresh, there’s nothing better than getting a great deal.
Discounts create a sense of urgency we simply cannot ignore. If we don’t take advantage of a limited-time-only discount, we’re essentially losing money. It’s human psychology – according to the Pleasure Principle, we seek pleasure to avoid pain –


New services alert: Couriers Please & Fastway Multi-Tiered pricing

Couriers Please delivery person

We’ve found it.
The holy grail of nationwide delivery with free tracking and heavy discounts.

Image: giphy
Transdirect has teamed up with Couriers Please and Fastway to create new domestic, nationwide parcel delivery services, complete with:

Reliable tracking

Conditional warranty up to $1,000 for Couriers Please and up to $1,500 for Fastway (included in the price)

Full access to POPPoint Locations throughout Australia through Couriers Please

Discounts for parcel pickups of more than 5, 10 or 21 items.


Shoppable Instagram: how to boost your sales revenue with social stories


Instagram is quickly proving itself as a rich retail market for savvy ecommerce businesses. New functionality including the recently launched ‘checkout’ and ‘tap-to-reveal’ features mean that the social platform’s more than 1 billion users now have a direct pathway from product discovery to purchase.
That’s making it easier than ever for ecommerce retailers to sell their products directly through a shoppable Instagram platform — but there’s more to it than simply posting tagged photos of your products and expecting the big bucks to start rolling in.


Googys: How Transdirect helped this protein business pack a bigger punch

man with eggs

If there’s one thing customers love from an online store, it’s free shipping. Our friends over at Googys know this well. 
According to new data on customer loyalty, 61% of customers are motivated to test out a new brand or product if a business offers free shipping. If there’s no free shipping, the same amount of customers are inclined to abandon cart! That’ll scramble your business growth potential!
Yep, there’s serious potential in offering free shipping.


2 ways your accounts team will benefit from the Transdirect Members Area

Tax time can be stressful – there’s no doubt about it.
In the weeks leading up to tax time, business owners start scrambling to find receipts, invoices, statements, financial data and more. Then, it’s time to grab a calculator and start punching numbers or, alternatively, you can have an accountant do the hard yards for you.
Frankly, we know what we’d rather be doing than our taxes.

Image: giphy
If you’re a top bloke or gal,


How to get the most out of our convenient contact page


At Transdirect, our customer service team is fast-acting and dedicated to solving customer queries. We want running a business and shipping to customers to be as smooth as the bonnet of a Porsche.
However, sometimes calling the customer service line isn’t the fastest and most efficient solution. Your time is better spent elsewhere – we know that – which is why we’ve developed a super-interactive contact page where you can find answers fast.

Our contact page is packed with useful information and touch-points to solve a range of FAQs.


Case Study: 3 brands with brilliant eco-friendly packaging ideas

The human race has a serious problem with plastic.
There are an estimated 5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing 268,940 tonnes floating around in the ocean. Plus, every hour, 200,000 plastic bags are dumped in landfill. We use more than four billion single-used plastic bags annually, which is more than ten million a day… but it’s not just plastic bags.
It’s straws, cling-wrap, food wrappers and, unfortunately, postage bags.
Plastic can take up 450 – 1,000 years to decompose,


3 new innovations In Ecommerce you need right Now

Remember travelling out of town to find a gift because the local stores didn’t have it? Or putting in a mail order from a magazine?
It’s amazing to think just three decades ago, online orders weren’t even a thing. No online shopping. No ecommerce. No Afterpay, Paypal, Zippay, or Apple Pay.
You’d have to make a trek and a half just to get a cashmere jumper from David Jones.
Shopping has become an instantaneous process in 2019.


We’ve got you covered. Send with Transdirect and start saving today!Get a Quote
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