Blog - Transdirect

The future of ecommerce in Australia

online shopping

Australian ecommerce retailers have a bright future ahead.
Growth predictions expect that the Australian ecommerce market will balloon from around $13.9 billion AUD in 2017 to $21.7 billion AUD by the end of 2022.
As Australians increasingly adopt online shopping as a part of their daily lives, the ecommerce industry continues to evolve.   
On the supply side, ecommerce businesses will be eagerly embracing innovation and improvements in areas like customer experience and logistics to differentiate their offerings. 


Shopify vs WooCommerce: Which is the best ecommerce platform for your business?

shopify vs woocommerce

Every experienced ecommerce entrepreneur will agree – without high quality, customisable ecommerce software, you’ll end up working yourself into a blubbering mess.
Your website would look and feel like glorified spam.
Matching customer shipping information to purchased items would be a lengthy (if not impossible) process.
Your inventory management would take up more time than the rest of your ecommerce operations put together.
Worst of all – your customers would be left dealing with a confusing user interface,


3 of the best online shopping carts in 2020

online shopping cart black trolley orange background

Shopping carts are possibly the most important part of your ecommerce store.
You’ve already got the customer.
They’re ready to invest.
And then they get to a clunky, painful check out process.
Don’t be that guy.
Don’t be the store which turns away customers in droves.
This blog will guide you through the process of three easy to use checkouts.
Expect loads of helpful pictures, a pinch of inspiration and a hunk of motivation to get your online checkout process streamlined.


How to design your website to maximise ecommerce repeat sales


Repeat sales are the backbone of any sustainable ecommerce business.
Without loyal customers, you’ll have to work so much harder to generate new traffic and convert this interest into first-time sales. This process is much more expensive, with much lower conversion rates.
Poor website design gives your customer the impression your business is amateur and untrustworthy. If the shopper is unfamiliar with your brand, you’ll struggle to generate the commitment required to convert their interest into a sale.


How to come up with life-changing ecommerce business ideas


The hardest part is finding a killer ecommerce business idea to make your dream a profitable reality.

There’s never been a better time to start your own online business.
Ecommerce is growing rapidly with an estimate of $27 trillion in sales by 2020.
All you need is a couple of hundred dollars for a website domain and some ecommerce software and you can have your brand new online store live in a matter of hours.


3 creative ecommerce packaging ideas to help skyrocket your repeat sales


The ‘unboxing experience’ might just be the best part of the ecommerce shopping process.
There’s a little pang of excitement that comes with clicking “place order” and hearing the courier rock up a couple of days later with present just for you.
The rush of your customer’s package delivery moment is supercharged by exciting and beautiful packaging. A little bit of personalisation can lift the ecommerce experience with your brand to the kind of level that keeps them coming back for more and more.


5 reasons why your online sales are dropping


Whether you’re a seasoned ecommerce store owner, or in your first year of running an online store, there’s one defining moment which is sure to strike dread into your entrepreneurial heart.
A drop in sales.
It could be a sudden, jump-off-a-cliff type drop, or it could be a slow and consistent dribbling drop.
Before you begin to break out into a cold sweat, I want you to know you’re not alone.
Every business experiences highs and lows –


3 shipping services you need to create loyal customers


Want to know something?
Your customers aren’t mysterious creatures.
Shocking, I know.
Your customers are actually more predictable than you think, and thanks to some handy technology (we’re looking at you, Google Analytics), you can track your customers’ favourite pages, you can see what they’re searching for, and where they’re leaving your site.
Does the very mention of Google Analytics bamboozle you? Check out our article on the 5 things every small business should track with Google Analytics.


5 benefits of multiple carrier aggregation


The right shipping policy can make your ecommerce business. But the wrong one can break it.
Charging your customers too much for shipping can price you out of the market. On the other hand, charging too little for shipping risks taking a fatal bite out of your profit margin.
Getting that balance right is vital to the success of your ecommerce business – and why it’s so important to use multiple carrier aggregated shipping.
Want to learn the seven things small businesses should look for when picking a courier service?


5 things every small ecommerce business should track with Google Analytics


Is Google Analytics data a mystery to you?
If you’ve never heard of users, sessions, or bounce rates, you need to stick around.
And if you don’t have Google Analytics installed on your website, you really need to take ten and read this.
Google Analytics is daunting if you’ve never used it before.
Don’t let the numbers and data intimidate you.
Google Analytics is a goldmine for small online stores, you just need to sort the useless data from the business-changing gold.


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